Introducing Cherry MX2A Switches
What is the difference between MX2A and Hyperglide Switches?
Cherry MX announced MX2A in late 2023. Previously, all Cherry MX switches, excluding the Silent variants, were labelled as MX1A switches. Hyperglide, Retooled, Pre-Retooled, Vintage, etc., are all categorized as MX1A switches, regardless of the minor upgrades and subtle differences that have occurred over time.
This essentially means that MX2A is just a new way to identify a batch of Cherry MX switches, helping us differentiate it from older versions. For all intents and purposes, your beloved "Cherry Hyperglide MX Brown" is still a "Cherry MX Brown"—just modernized with extra lubrication and made with updated tooling. Don’t expect any dramatic differences, as the stem shape, leaf angle, and other core features remain the same and have not changed in the update.
As mentioned earlier, there has been numerous updates and changes to the MX tooling over the years, however, MX2A is arguably the most "exciting" for enthusiasts because it shows Cherry is willing to adapt, to some degree, to remain competitive in the Mechanical Keyboard scene.
As mentioned earlier, there has been numerous updates and changes to the MX tooling over the years, however, MX2A is arguably the most "exciting" for enthusiasts because it shows Cherry is willing to adapt, to some degree, to remain competitive in the Mechanical Keyboard scene.
To reiterate the above: basically, MX2A switches are just MX1A switches with extra lubrication and made with new tooling for minor improvements. Nothing *that* special or different and most of the hype is just marketing.
Although some might be discouraged by the addition of factory lube, MX2A switches are notably more consistent in smoothness because of the added grease which settles and distributes quickly with use.
Cherry MX2A Switch Lubrication - Close Up Photos
Lubrication on the Metal Leaf:

Lubrication at the Base of the Springs:

Lubrication at the Center Hole of the Housing: